Convert PDF to DOCX easily with Mail Attachment Downloader PRO Server.
When you run the server version you can run the program as a Windows Service that runs 24×7 unattended. Then just email the PDF as an attachment to your email and have Mail Attachment Downloader PRO Server pick it up and automatically download/convert the file and save it in the way you want it.
- Open Global filters tab and either click the Add new filter or Edit selected filter button
- If you are creating a new rule, just enter a meaningful filter name.
- Under Actions, click Add action and choose Document conversion. This will add a new action in the list to the left. Click on the Document conversion list item under After saving file. You will see the conversions that are configured on the right side.
- Click on the Add conversion button.
- In the From Type select Any doc and the To Type specify docx. Click OK.
- Save the rule and that’s it!
Any email that you receive that has a PDF attachment (including some other related formats like LaTeX etc.) will be converted to DOCX.
If you receive encrypted PDF files, you can provide the decryption password in the PDF Decryption Password text box as can be seen in the screenshot in Step-5. You will need to do this before you can convert it to DOCX.
With the Mail Attachment Downloader PRO Server version, you can use it to convert emails (.eml or .msg or .txt or .html) and email attachments (text, html, word, excel, powerpoint and more) to over 50+ formats (bmp, csv, dif, doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, emf, epub, excel, flatopc, flatopcmacroenabled, flatopctemplate, flatopctemplatemacroenabled, html, htmlfixed, jpeg, mhtml, mobixml, odp, ods, odt, openxps, ott, pdf, pdfnotes, png, potm, potx, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, ps, rtf, spreadsheetml, svg, swf, tabdelimited, tex, text, tiff, tiffnotes, wordml, xamlfixed, xamlflow, xamlflowpack, xlam, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx, xml, xps)!
You can use this to convert from the following popular formats:
- DOCX to PDF, PNG, JPEG, HTML and more
- PDF to DOCX, PNG, JPEG, HTML and more
- CSV, XLSX to PDF, PNG, JPEG, HTML and more
- PPTX to PDF, PNG, JPEG, HTML and more
- EML to PDF, DOCX, PNG, JPEG, HTML and more
- JPEG, BMP, TIFF, images to PDF, DOCX, HTML and more
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact support.